The Four-Day Workweek is Overrated, Study Finds

The four-day workweek has been all the rage lately. First Microsoft Japan ran a trial and found that it improved sales productivity by 40 percent. Then Buffer, the tech company, went to a four-day week in 2020 and never looked back. Now, Iceland is embracing shorter work weeks too. But what's the cause of these productivity gains?

Steve Glaveski, CEO of Collective Campus and author of Time Rich, says that the shorter workweeks simply means people are having to find more efficient and effective ways to do things.

"Productivity decreased by twenty percent", he said. "This was true of a number of different functions — marketing, sales, design, content creation, client communications, and so on."

"When polling my team on why this was the case, it appeared people couldn’t find any obvious productivity gains to be had like those at organizations reporting more efficiencies from shorter workweeks."

His team ran a four-day workweek experiment, and found that their productivity dipped by 20 percent, owing to what he calls effective ways of work already in place at the firm.

You can read more about the study here.

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July 8, 2021




Frank Gabuzi


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The Four-Day Workweek is Overrated, Study Finds

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The Four-Day Workweek is Overrated, Study Finds