16 Types of Clubhouse Events

Clubhouse is the new drop-in audio social media platform taking the world — or at least the two million active weekly users — by storm.

If you’ve been one of the lucky ones to receive an invite to the as at Feb 2021 exclusive platform, you might have already hosted an event, or might be thinking about doing so. It’s a great way to foster deep conversations, but also to meet interesting people, and build your personal brand.

But just what kind of event should you run?

I’ve taken inspiration from both the world of offline and online events, pre and post-Clubhouse, to come up with the following list of ideas.

1. Interview / Fireside Chat

A one-on-one interview with a person of interest — think athlete, entrepreneur, comedian, author, yogi, you name it.

Typically, if you can line up interviews with already influential personalities — especially those who have already developed a large Clubhouse following — you’re likely to not only pull a large audience but also generate a bump to your own. Of course, when you run out of things to ask you can throw it open to the audience.

2. Panel

Consider hosting a panel with three to four people who are informed about the topic at hand, and can each bring their own unique perspective to the table.

As with interviews, pass the mic to the audience for Q&A once you’re done asking questions and moderating the panel. Doing so also adds to the appeal of the event as audience members get to not only listen, but engage.

3. Debate / Versus

What came first, the chicken or the egg? According to Lupe Fiasco, the chicken. But where did the chicken come from, Lupe? You can pick all manner of topics to engage in a debate format, and invite the audience to chime on what they think.

Nature v Nurture. Tesla v Ferrari. Monogamy v Polygamy. The list goes on and on. You could simply Google debate questions and go from there, too.

4. Open Mic

Whether it be open mic music or open mic comedy, consider borrowing from the IRL world of open mic and run a rotation of 5-minute slots where people get to showcase, test, and hone their musical or comedic abilities.

5. Unpack a Sub-Topic

Clubhouse conversations are divided up into topics such as Sports, Hustle, Life, and so on. If you’re running a club or events for startups, you might look to hone in on a sub-topic such as ‘finding product-market fit’, or ‘growth hacking for SaaS companies’, and go from there.

6. Group Exercises, Games, and Immersions

Whether it’s a group meditation, a human-centered design activity, games, alcoholics anonymous, or something completely different, the nature of Clubhouse is one that lends itself to such group activities, where we get to engage on a deeper level.

7. Central Question Exploration

Throw out a big question for discussion. What is the meaning of life? Should we colonize Mars? Would you sleep with a sex robot? Such questions can pave the way for light-hearted fun as well as a serious exploration of questions central to the nature of humanity.

8. Around the World / Networking

Whether it’s startups pitching to investors or people introducing themselves to peers in their industry, give each person in the room 2 to 5 minutes to plead there what have yous and go from there. You’d want to keep such rooms small.

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9. Ask Me Anything (AMA)

If you’re somebody who already has a bit of a following, and has something important to say, then you might consider hosting an AMA through the platform. Settle in for an hour or more of questions from your audience.

10. Change My Mind

In an increasingly polarized world, Clubhouse gives a chance to engage in conversations with people different from us, and move away from the shit-slinging that plagues platforms like Twitter. This can hopefully be used as a force for good.

As such, you might want to throw up a belief you currently have (and others hare), and have people challenge that belief. Hopefully what comes of it is a new, more nuanced, and empathic world view — one that appreciates the role of gray in our lives.

All Trump supporters are racist — change my mind. All vegans are annoying — change my mind.

11. Media Discussion

This could lend itself to book clubs, or discussions around a recent podcast episode, or news media article. Eric Weinstein recently hosted an impromptu conversation about a Time magazine article on the 2020 US Election, which suggested that the election was indeed rigged. It quickly drew a crowd of several thousand people.

12. Town Halls and Activism

In the event that something is going on in the big bad world that might necessitate action, a town hall is a good way to bring people together to essentially ask “what are we going to do about it?”, and take action after considering different views on what can be done, and how best to approach things.

13. Story Time

You might want to tell a story, or simply invite the audience to share stories about specific topics.

Tell us about a time that you overcame adversity. Tell us about your worst first date. Tell us about the night you lost your virginity. Tell us about the time you told your boss to take a hike. And so on.

14. Open Forum / Random Show / Dinner Party

You might want to simply open a room and just let the natural flow of chemical organisms do their thing, and see what happens.

Kind of like dinner with your friends where there are no preconceived ideas of intention about what to discuss and the conversation just emerges and flows from there.

15. Current Events

Perhaps there are current events — elections, invasions, the Superbowl, a #metoo event, an Elon tweet, a wallstreetbets rally — that warrants further conversation. Name the event accordingly and go from there.

16. Watch Party

Conor McGregor making his 17th unretirement? Game 7 of the NBA Finals? Bob Geldoff resurrecting Live Aid and streaming it globally? The final episode of Season 3 of Cobra Kai is going live tonight?

Whatever it is…you can make it even more fun by bringing people together to discuss the goings-on in real-time, and ultimately, shoot the sh*t.

February 16, 2021




Steve Glaveski


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